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Did you know...

That ten dinosaurs (two waves) from the JP:D1 1999 line were repackaged in JP3 packaging during 2002? Collectors named these JP3 "Hybrids". Click here to see.


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First off, I apologize for the lack of updates lately but as you can guess, we're working hard behind the scenes to get those new site features online, not to mention there's nothing newsworthy happening anymore. More on that in a minute. I don't have anything major to get to today so I've just combined a few items into one little update.

- "JP Action Man" just sent in his latest diorama which is now up for your viewing pleasure in our hosted dioramas section.

- Do you have an interest in custom JP LEGO figures? If so, head on over to our good friend "CloneTroop15" site, FMDesigns. He just unveiled 3 new customs from JP: Ian Malcom, Dr. Henry Wu, JP Worker #1 and Dieter Stark from TLW. He also features customs from "Area 51" and "Ghostbusters". All of the ordering /purchasing details can be found on the site...check it out!

- The last thing I'll mention is our progress on the new sections. Expect to see our first roll out of the new toy archives very soon. I believe we're starting off with the JP3 Hybrids section just to give you a small taste of the big things to come...stay tuned! Also remember we're trying to crown your favorite JP vehicle so make sure to vote in our latest poll question if you haven't done so already!


We had over 180 votes in our last poll and with 46% of the vote, the Mobile Command Center was the winner as your favorite TLW vehicle. So as we continue on in our quest to crown the ultimate JP vehicle, this time we want to know what your favorite JP3 vehicle today!

9/11 - ONE YEAR LATER...

Could it be possible that one year has already passed since the attacks on our country and freedom itself on 9/11? Doesn't seem possible, does it? It seems like only yesterday that I was huddled around my television, switching back & forth between channels in disbelief, as I'm sure most of you were. Could something like this really happen to us? And by us, I mean the entire free world. It wasn't just Americans that were attacked that day, there were people on those planes and in Twin Towers from all over the world. Freedom was attacked, not just Americans.

On behalf of the entire staff, our thoughts and prayers go out to those that were affected by the tragic events that day. May God bless you and this great country of ours.


We told you there would be more, now didn't we? The latest addition to our new Downloads section here at JPToys is the actual decal/sticker sheets from some of your favorite JP vehicles & playsets! Some of the scans include the Jungle Explorer, Capture Cruiser and the Dino-Damage Medical Center. Just follow the simple instructions provided and you'll be printing & cutting in no time! There's plenty more to see so be sure to visit the Downloads section today...just make sure you have enough ink for the printer. ;-)

Also today we have four brand new dioramas from "TrikeAttack" up for your viewing pleasure in the Diorama section...enjoy! (Update - 9/6) Added new dioramas from AcroIguana - check 'em out!