By Dan, Wednesday 20 December 2006 at 10:52 PM
Forum member Raptoralpha recently purchased a slew of Kenner Toy Fair catalogs and in them found some clearer CE shots and even some TLW pics we haven't seen yet. Among the most interesting of those is the once rumored Deinonychus with a tiger stripe design. Very nice to finally see that. Also included is a shot of our beloved Bull-Trex (in a much different deco than the original), Dieter Stark and the Dirt Bike with Carter. Please click on the thumbnails below for a larger view:

Thanks again to RA for passing those along. We certainly hope that you enjoy them. We also wish you and yours a very Mery Christmas and a happy holiday season!
*UPDATE 12/22* - Complete catalog scans of these new shots are now up in our download section for your viewing pleasure!