Welcome to the JPToys Bootlegs Section! Our goal is to establish a comprehensive list containing various Jurassic Park knock-offs.
If you have seen, or know of any bootlegs which do not appear on this list - do not hesitate to send an e-mail to: info@jptoys.com.
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Comments: From the JP3 Latin American line comes the Tyrannosaurus (wow, they actually got this one right!). Includes a smaller mold of the JP3 Deluxe T-rex as well as left over capture gear from TLW toy line.
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Comments: From the JP3 Latin American line comes the "Ouranosaurus" - Which is actually a type of Iguanadon. This is merely a scaled-down version of the JP3 Deluxe Spinosaurus. Comes with action figure and various weapons.
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Comments: Also, from the JP3 Latin American line comes the "Dravidosaurus" - which is actually a Stegosaurus. This is a miniature version of the JP3 Deluxe Dilophosaurus, and comes with an action figure and various accessories.
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Comments: From the JP3 Latin American line comes the "Herrerasaurus" - a JP3 Alpha Raptor mold. Included in this knock-off is a female action figure along with five weapons of choice.
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Comments: Also, from the JP3 Latin American line comes the "Pentaceratops" - which is basically a Triceratops. This is a miniature version of the JP3 Deluxe Triceratops and comes with an action figure and various accessories.
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Comments: This set includes a smaller repainted version of the JP3 Triceratops & repaint of TLW Eddie Carr Triceratops hatchling.
Stalking Raptor
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Comments: This is a Stalking Raptor bootleg from the JP3 line. Phrases on the box include - "CAN BE OPEN AND CLOSE", "CAN WALK" and "THE HEAD WIGGLES". Found at a flea market for $5.
Scientific Wonders (Alan Grant)
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Comments: This bootleg set from the "Scientific Wonders" line includes a repaint of the JP3 Alan Grant figure (with weapons) along with a Pteranodon (repaint) and T-Rex hatchling.
Scientific Wonders (Eric Kirby)
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Comments: This bootleg set from the "Scientific Wonders" line includes a smaller version of the Eric Kirby figure, Amanda Kirby Spinosaurus, Alan Grant Velociraptor and 4 miscellaneous weapons. Other sets included the Alan Grant motor cycle pursuit figure (legs not bendable), Military General T-Rex and a Pteranodon. The last set was made up of the Billy Brennan ATDT figure, Military General T-Rex and an Alan Grant Compy. The sets retailed for $4.99
Dinosaur Ambulate (Styracosaurus)
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Comments: A recent bootleg that surfaced on ebay. Based on the box back, this may be one of a set of 4. Not much is known other than the dino lights up & walks and is about 11 inches tall. The box lists this bootleg as "The Ultimate in 3D Motion." It's reportedly available in the Chinese market.