In this section will you be able to see the many repaints found in the various Jurassic Park/World franchise. We know repaints are often frowned upon, but some are not bad.
There are even times when a repaint can improve upon the original. It is interesting to see the different colorations lined up, side by side to compare.

JPS1 Dimetrodon
JPS1 Dilophosaurus
JPS1 Velociraptor
JPS1 Pteranodon
JPS1 Young T-Rex
JPS1 Electronic Velociraptor
JPS1 Electronic Dilophosaurus
JPS1 Triceratops hatchling
JPS1 Brachiosaurus hatchling
JPS1 Dilophosaurus hatchling
JPS2 Lycaenops
JPS2 Tanystropheus
JPS2 Pachycephalosaurus
JPS2 Quetzalcoatlus
JPS2 Utahraptor
Electronic T-Rex hatchling
Electronic Triceratops hatchling
Electronic Velociraptor hatchling
TLWS1 Cyclops Velociaptor
TLWS1 Electronic Chasmosaurus
TLWS1 Stegosaurus
TLWS1 Bull T-Rex
TLWS1 Thrasher T-Rex
TLWS1 Electronic Spinosaurus
TLWS1 Juvenile T-Rex
TLWS1 Juvenile Triceratops
TLWS1 T-Rex hatchling
TLWS1 Pteranodon hatchling
TLWS2 Ornithosuchus
TLWS2 Baryonyx
JP3 Tyrannosaurus Rex
JP3 Brachiosaurus
JP3 Alpha Velociraptor
JP3 Spinosaurus
JP3 Triceratops
JP3 Dilophosaurus
JP3 Ultra Pteranodon
JP3 Ultra T-Rex
JP3 Female Velociraptor
JP3 Velociraptor hatchling
JP3 Compsognathus
JP3 Pteranodon hatchling
JP3 Stegosaurus hatchling
JP3 Spinosaurus hatchling
JP3 Alpha Pteranodon hatchling
JP3 T-Rex hatchling
JP3 Aqua Spinosaurus hatchling
JP3 Triceratops hatchling
JP Junior Triceratops
JP Junior Pteranodon
JW Basher T-Rex
JW Basher Ankylosaurus
JW Basher Stegoceratops
JW Electronic Blue
JW Electronic Charlie
JW Titan Echo