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Buying Jurassic Park toys
Our forum has a special section for trading, buying and selling Jurassic Park toys. Our own Classifieds section is often a very good place to start your quest as a lot of good deals can be found here. Sellers often post their items here, some with fixed prices and others prefer to take offers. You can even make your own thread if you are looking for something that is not for sale by our sellers yet. For feedback ratings, check the Member ratings thread. Here we keep track of good and bad sellers/buyers. Most members accept PayPal, but make sure to ask. Only members of our forum can access this part. Membership is free.
If you rather buy from websites instead; your best bet is Due to the rather stable amount of new auctions, they almost always have what you need. All you need is a little patience. If you don't want to bid against other people, you can look for auctions with the option Buy It Now, to buy it instantly. We also recommend PayPal as a way to transfer money, as most sellers on eBay accept it and most transactions are fully insured with PayPal Buyer Protection. Most of our members use or have been using eBay for their collection.
Still can't find what you are looking for?
Try these sites:
Another good way to find cheap Jurassic Park figures, is on flea markets or yard sales. Keep your eyes out for them, because the figures sold there are usually much cheaper than the market price.