Becoming an Affiliate
Would you like to see your website logo in the list of JPToys affiliates on the homepage?
Here's what to do:
- Send an e-mail to:
- In the body of the message state the title of the website as well as a 1-2 sentence description of the website.
- Attach an image. Logos and/or images for your website will be placed on the homepage provided they are relevant and do not exceed 100pxl width by 36pxl height. Please place our logo on your affiliates section as well.

Non-Animated - Direct link to banner:
Your request will be viewed by our staff and checked for compatibility, reliability, and appropriateness. This may take up
to a week or so.
Submitting a Link
If you would like your website listed on our LINKS page please send an e-mail to Your request will be viewed by our staff and checked for compatibility, reliability, and appropriateness. This may take up to a week or so.
The JPToys Staff