Jurassic Park: Dinosaurs
After Chaos Effect was released in 1998 and CE: Night Hunter Series was cancelled, Hasbro quickly came up with a new toy line called Jurassic Park Dinosaurs. This line was the first line to consist of only repaints. After CamoXtreme two more Jurassic Park Dinosaurs lines came, both also consisting of only repaints. That is, with the exception of the Triceratops hatchling in JP: Dinosaurs 3.
Jurassic Park: Dinosaurs 1
See this line's page
Comments: The first Jurassic Park: Dinosaurs toy line. Released in 1999.
Jurassic Park Hybrids
See this line's page
Comments: The first Jurassic Park: Dinosaurs toy line had an unusual release in 2002 by Hasbro Mexico.
Jurassic Park: Dinosaurs 2
See this line's page
Comments: The second Jurassic Park: Dinosaurs toy line. Released in 2004.
Jurassic Park: Dinosaurs 3
See this line's page
Comments: The third Jurassic Park: Dinosaurs toy line. Released in 2005.