By Dan, Monday 28 February 2005 at 03:50 PM
Forum regular PygmyAllosaurus came across an interesing article while browsing the "Toy Showcase" section of the December 2004 issue of Lee's Toy Review magazine. Here's what he had to say:
"I was shocked to see the Chaos Effect: Night Hunter line in the "Toy Showcase" section(which is where they show off prototypes & extremely rare pieces every month) of the December 2004 issue of Lee's Toy Review(it's #146). Not because I hadn't seen them before- there are pictures from a catalog on this website, but because they were pictures we don't have... packaged pictures. The pictures are quite tiny though, and before anyone asks I don't have a scanner or a digital camera. The caption underneath the pictures says: "Unreleased Jurassic Park Chaos Effect: Night Hunter Series. These are Hasbro product samples of the nixed last series of JP Chaos Effect figures; the Chaos Effect series went extinct on the cusp of the new millennium. No sales quotes have been recorded to date."
Of course this is something we're following up on so if some higher resolution pics do surface, we'll be sure to pass them along. BTW, be sure to stay tuned for tomorrow's update regarding the Diorama Contest.