By Dan, Friday 21 September 2001 at 10:03 AM :: #135
Can you tell that I'm really having to reach to find any news? Well, since it is Friday I figured I'd at least try to find something to send you into the weekend with. Don't forget that if you have any news/reviews or anything you'd like to submit just use the submit news link on the main page and I'll be glad to hear what you have to say. Also, while the toy news updates may be few and far between these days, remeber that there are always ongoing great topics on our message boards so make sure you check them out. On to the news, I noticed over at Dan's page someone sent him word that the official Park builder site has been updated with some helping hints to get you started. Maybe that will help some of you game "junkies" out there. Have a great weekend everyone and God bless America!