By Dan, Thursday 13 February 2003 at 01:26 PM :: #387
Now this certainly isn't earth shattering news but I just noticed that we had the 500th member register on our Forum today. It's always nice to pass a milestone like this especially considering our very small beginnings. If you haven't registered on our Forum yet, just follow this link and you'll be on your way to posting in no time!
On more of a personal note, I'm having to do this update from work today as my home computer saw fit to completely crash on me this past weekend (ugh). It looks like my insurance will pick up the tab though due to lightning damage so I'll probably be able to get a much nicer system this go round. In the meantime, I won't be able to check any email so please make sure that all important site related matters are passed along to Armothe or one of our other staff members.