By Dan, Monday 24 March 2003 at 01:48 PM :: #400
A big thanks to everyone that has sent in reviews lately. We pride ourselves here on having the most extensive online review database and without you guys it wouldn't be possible. Now, on to the reviews. Kevin drops in with a whopping 7 reviews - TLW High Hide, TLW Cyclops Raptor, CE Tyrannonops, CE Compstegnathus, CE Velocirapterx, Amargospinus and the JP3 DVD poster. SuchoSURFER also chimes in today with his review of the CE Tanaconda.
Also today, we wanted to acknowledge the change to our main header image. We here at JPToys fully support the U.S. military and our allies in Operation Iraqi Freedom. We send our thoughts and prayers to those brave men and women overseas and their families.