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Did you know...

That the cardbacks of the European JPS2 dinosaurs feature non-JP hatchlings? They are from Panosh instead. Click here to see.


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As another year comes to a close and we look forward to the next, everyone here at wishes you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! It's going to be a VERY eventful one for sure in our household this year with the baby on the way. Rest assured, the wife and I are enjoying the last few quiet moments we'll be having for a while! ;-)

Just in time for the holidays, we have several new submissions to pass along to everyone. First up, Bucketfoot-Al drops in with new customs of a Desert Spinosaurus and a Beast Raiders Triceratops. Bucketfoot also has a new diorama gallery loaded with 7 new dioramas! And finally today we have 2 new submissions to our new What If? section, featuring Scrap Davis & an Underwater Exploration Set. So be sure to check all that out and we'll see ya back here next year!


We have 4 new additions to pass along today. First up, we have 2 additions to our new What If? section. Stitch sends along a very nice work up of the infamous Chaos Effect Ultimasaurus and an unknown sender did a little cut & paste action to show us the San Diego Stadium from the Lost World. Next on the list is a new custom from JP Action Man, the JP H2 Hummer. And finally today, we have a new poll up for your voting pleasure!


Have you ever wondered what some of your favorite unreleased JP toys might have looked like had they been released? Well wonder no more! The idea for this section came to us from Tom, one of our forum members when he posted a mock-up version of the unreleased JP Series 2 Gulper T-Rex. Of course we thought this would be a wonderful idea for a new section here at JPtoys! So without any further delay, we present to you the What If? section!


Over the weekend, forum moderator Raptoralpha came across an interesting new Stalking Raptor bootleg at his local flea market. It's the same exact Stalking Raptor from the JP3 line but the box has undergone a few changes. The phrases range from "CAN BE OPEN AND CLOSE" to "THE HEAD WIGGLES". It's definitely worth a look (or laugh) when you get a chance.