As another year comes to a close and we look forward to the next, everyone here at wishes you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! It's going to be a VERY eventful one for sure in our household this year with the baby on the way. Rest assured, the wife and I are enjoying the last few quiet moments we'll be having for a while! ;-)

Just in time for the holidays, we have several new submissions to pass along to everyone. First up, Bucketfoot-Al drops in with new customs of a Desert Spinosaurus and a Beast Raiders Triceratops. Bucketfoot also has a new diorama gallery loaded with 7 new dioramas! And finally today we have 2 new submissions to our new What If? section, featuring Scrap Davis & an Underwater Exploration Set. So be sure to check all that out and we'll see ya back here next year!