By Dan, Thursday 1 September 2005 at 04:52 PM :: #339
First off, we here at want to send our thoughts & prayers to those in New Orleans, Mississippi and Alabama that had there lives literally ripped apart by hurricane Katrina. The amount of devistation is simply astonishing. Many people are wanting to help out and probably the best thing you could do is to donate what you can to the American Red Cross. By clicking on the link it will take you to a page where you can donate anywhere from $10-$500. Ten bucks may not sound like much but at this point, every little bit helps.
The big toy news today comes from forum moderator Stitch who was able to track down these new Deluxe Dinos for us at a KB store:

Other than the hideous micro dinos (tric doesn't look too bad), these deluxe versions are definitely top notch repaints. So be on the look-out for them soon at a toy store near you!
(9/6 - UPDATE) - Thanks to 'DemonCarnotaur' for the back shot!