By Dan, Tuesday 19 June 2007 at 01:22 PM :: #283
Wow, two days in a row with an 'bout that?! Definitely a rarity these days. Anyways, on to the news. Forum member 'alpharex came' across this thread over on the reblescum forums that features member 'Washu' holding what he says to be a prototype for a remote controlled raptor that of course never made it to the production phase. Here's what he had to say:
"This is a original sculpt for the Jurassic Park line. I have the other parts in the box and did not want to bring them all out in case one falls. The wax only ways a measly 27 pounds. I forgot, but it should measure about 3 1/2 feet long with tail. The toy was devolped for Lost World (?) and to be a remote control Raptor. This toy was never produced and never reached hardcopy stage. Rather unknown prototype... and the biggest of them all."

If true, it's amazing the amount of these previously "unknown" protos that have been popping up lately. If nothing else, at least it passes the time and gives us something else to discuss.