By Raptoralpha, Tuesday 19 February 2008 at 11:41 AM :: #265
Finally, after months of expectations, Sideshow revealed today their first collectible based on the Jurassic Park franchise. And boy did they deliver! This awesome statue is a recreation of the final scene from the first movie: the Rex versus Raptors fight. I won't tell you more, and will let you enjoy the several pictures posted on Sideshow's website (click on the logo below). The pricetag is quite high, as we could expect, but for $249.99, I would say it's definitely worth it. Also, make sure to check out the exclusive edition which also includes the "When Dinosaurs Rued The Earth" banner. Also, in other news, we have two new dioramas by member JPDude. Make sure to check them out on his diorama gallery!