Welcome To JPToys Version 3!
By Raptoralpha, Wednesday 2 April 2008 at 06:00 AM :: #364
So, not too surprised? Yes, take your breath. No, you're not mistaking, it's still the JPToys you have known for years. Only better.
Today happens to be our 7th anniversary. And was there a better way to commemorate than to change the whole website? It took hundreds of hours of work, but we can now present you JPToys V3.0! The whole website has been redone, and the old server which caused many problems in the past has been replaced with a new, more reliable one. As you can see, there are many changes and new sections to the menu. Here's a list of what you can now find on your favorite site for JP merchandise-related news!
- JPToys: This is where you can find infos about the website, the team behind JPToys, or the archives section with the brand new "News Finder". Yup, you won't have to browse through hundreds of old news in order to find that news posted years ago. The News Finder engine will find it for you!
- Toy Database: Here, you can find everything about the many toy lines released by Kenner and Hasbro. Every toy now has its individual page (yes, even prototypes) with pictures, a price guide, and a fan-made review.
- Collectible Database: Wanna see what else was released about, or inspired by the JP franchise? Discover our new, long-requested Die-Cast section? It's all there!
- Fan's Corner: The JP community has been around for years. But what have they been up to? Discover custom-made toys, amazing collection pictures, or let the kids have fun in our Coloring and Games section.
- JPToys Files: Here, you will find all the data we found over the years about Jurassic Park toys. Looking for an unusual info, wanting to have a look at rare catalogs full of unproduced goodness? It's all here!
Feel free to browse the new website, and discover the new sections we've added for your viewing pleasure! And make sure to drop by the forums to tell us your impressions about this new website!