By Raptoralpha, Wednesday 10 September 2008 at 10:33 PM :: #527
We're happy to present you a new Ultimasaurus prototype that was recently unearthed by forum member Barbara22, from France. Simply by contacting Hasbro France, she had, with some patience, the opportunity to get in touch with someone from the US who had worked on the Chaos Effect line. And luckily for her, that person still had an Ultimasaurus prototype and was ready to sell it. And that's how Barbara22 could get her hand on this gem, and was kind enough to share great quality pictures of her find.
Two new close-ups (front view and back view) have been added on the Ultimasaurus page, as well as a bigger version of the picture seen below. Enjoy!
*UPDATE*: We've been told that these pictures aren't from an Ultimasaurus owned by forum member Barbara, but in fact were taken by toy designer Tim Bradley, who worked on the Chaos Effect line, and was kind enough to be interviewed by JPToys a few months ago. So, to give credits back to where it's due, thanks a lot for these pictures, Mr. Bradley!